Friday, May 17, 2024

Guru Vandana- St John School- Gadag- 1996 batch;

 Let me come to the point directly;

We were having B section class only group and we were able to manage two successful get to gathers. Some friends from A section asked that why did they didn't get the invite. We were not having answers to give them since it was only meant for B class which haunted me. 

I write on and off(blog), run etc and I wanted platform to publish it to the all the classmates. Hoping few will get the motivation etc. Hence thought of combining both B class and A class. I didn't knew how much it will be successful, but started forming the group and adding friends whom I knew. Matter of time we reached around 100 friends in the group which was achievement in itself. But didn't post anything which I wanted. Then thought came what to do with this now since its been long that we haven't seen each other and only few has connection with each other. We started brainstorming with closed group which I have like Sanju, jaggu, bhanapur, motagi etc.. They suggested we should do Guru Vandana since we haven't done it and most of them have done already. I thought great idea but was not too sure how successful it will be but thought of giving it a try. Worst scenario, even if we like closed ones like 10 to 15 friends get to gather and celebrating our teachers was also felt great thing. So pitched this idea in the group. Its been decades that we didn't interact with each other hence expected lots of different ideas will come, difference of opinion , lots egos will also come. But we had to get through all this and come to common ground and do this GV. After lots of discussion and arguments we have decided to do it in St John school. 

Fortunately all the girls too started joining hands and encouraged us to do this and helped in whatever way they could. We formed different sub groups to manage food, finance etc and assigned it each one of us. Since most of were out stationed and helpless of not being on the ground to do the real work, so we decided do share major burden of the work on few friends like Sanju, jaggu etc. It was mutually agreed and they assured they don't mind taking the major load of the work so our guilt has become less of not doing major work. After all the major discussions, we started collecting the money without it then function wouldn't have been successful. We decided how much each one have to contribute etc. Fortunately few came in and contributed majority of the amount and without which this wouldn't  have possible the way it has happened. Always thankful for the generosity of our friends and them having feeling of giving back to the school was higher thought. We managed to collect decent amount to think that we can do this GV. We started implementing the plans on to the ground. Slow and steady on by one work started to materialise. Time flies they say and the date of GV has arrived. After lots of tensions, lots of breakdowns we were able to see the day arriving to us. Everything was set and still we were unsure of how many exactly will turn up.. There was always butterflies were flying in our stomach..

Lets go bit personal to my journey to GV..

I decided to go on 10th may night so that I could spend more time friends. My initial plan was to take many friends from here but then that couldn't happen. So decided to drive from Bengaluru on Friday eve but then few of the friends wanted to come on Saturday morning so decided to tag along with them and drive. After all driving alone and driving with company is fun. I started at 8am in the morning an and picked both of the friends and started sailing to the dream destination. It was me meeting them after long time and not close types so I was hoping journey shouldn't become feel never ending. But they were gracious to accommodate me. We bought jack fruit in between since I was hungry. I thought I will eat while driving since it is bit difficult to eat from one hand. Before I think any thing one friend started giving the jack fruit in peace's after removing everything and I just have to eat it. It was non stop and felt overwhelmed. These small things matter to me, that too when it comes without asking. That's how amazing company i was having during the drive. By that time this new Sai temple we have arrived at which I haven’t seen it before. So we decided to take blessings of SaiRam.. Here are the some glimpses..

By the time we crossed Hospete and nearing Kopal, road was nice. It was smooth sailing, almost no traffic. We started getting calls from Jaggu asking where are we and how soon we are reaching etc. It was lunch time around 2pm. One of the friends asked have I seen Gavi Siddeshwara Matha, which I didn't know it was existing. She insisted we go to that Matha. But Jaggu wanted us to reach early. I told him that this the plan we are doing, he was furious and asked nothing doing and come directly. I haven't experience person who waits for me that eagerly. Which was giving immense happiness knowing that some one is waiting to see me. Half heartedly turned right to Koppala. Went to the matha and fortunately and unfortunately the security guard didn't allow me inside since I was wearing shorts. We were disappointed and decided to go for lunch. We were particular about having rotti oota in Khanavali only so searched for one and decided to eat. Rotti oota was scrumptious. After that we enjoyed eating pan. Eating pan in Bengaluru and eating here is different feeling. You don't get that satisfaction here. Eating all this in that heat is different fun altogether..

After lunch. We started to Gadag, It was 75 km more. By the time clouds started gathering and sun days started come down piercing the clouds. The sight it self was so welcoming and giving us the right signs. 

We reached Gadag- Mudrana Kashi..

This above welcome sign has different feeling. 

We have asked to reached at Lotus in in Gadag. So we finally reached and parked ourself and waited for Jaggu. We couldn't inform the exact time so he was furious that he was not there before us. He came in matter of time and we checked in to the Hotel.

We were instructed already that we should be in st johns by 4 pm. We got ready and reached our final destination.

                                                          (From no where to somewhere)     

Already few of us were there and we joined. I was in the zone by then. I was trying enjoy everything. Slowly all of us came and started meeting each other. I don't easily socialise. Its difficult for me. By then jaggu said lets go and get the Mirchi baji and Girmit. It was the best excuse for me to get away for Introductions etc. So we went had Tea and got everything and came back. By then every one was standing in front. I was feeling some what uneasy. Since didn't meet and don't know any one much. I was avoiding the eye contact so that I save my self. Then had to face it. Slowly started interreacting one by one. Thanked friend for helping by giving notes etc. I didn't know what I was talking. Then skipped most of them and started arranging seats for all so that we could sit and eat Mirchi in the cloudy weather.


This pic has different place in guys heart..
and in mine too..

Everything went on smoothly we felt but there has to be some hiccups for any function or program to happen. Without it will not complete. So we too had major hiccups and embarrassment at the at the end of that evening. We friends were ashamed. Within matter of seconds we started feeling down and our confidence started shaking. Some how we managed to control the situation and sent all friends home assuring the tomorrows GV will be good. But their faces were telling different stories. We thought the will not turn up tomorrow. If they don't then this will not be successful. Some how reassured them and sent them home. After that we started preparing plan B. So plan B was in place and we were determined that we will do GV any how. There has to be sun shine after darkness. We had some what ok night and we were ready embrace THE day.

Next day morning I have got a call that All is well and we will go for Plan A. Which was refreshing news. We reached St Johns at 8am and prayed to Mother Merry to bless this GV to go smoothly.

We started the GV as per the plan and as you all the how everything went smoothly. By then I was taken back seat. I wanted enjoy every bit of it. As usual we sat in back bench. We had fun seeing for the back as usual. One should experience to enjoy our feeling. You will get to see 360 view and get to who is doing what and who is sitting who's side and who taking picture with whom. 

By then GV was on auto pilot. It was sailing smoothly as per the plans and pilots were assigned take care if some turbulence comes. Cutting short to most of the function since you guys know or can see here.. some times pictures speak for it self.. 

Jumping back to 2nd half of the function. I think this we needed the most. We did plan for this but we didn't knew how it will be. But trust we have got more than we expected. Specially girls set stage on fire. All kudos to the girls gang who kept their hesitation aside and came together to celebrate GV. 
Cant thank more for everything which happened.
The departure is the hardest every time which i did like it. But the story or dream should end somewhere. Unwillingly we shut the curtains down. Said good byes to all our friends. 
Final feeling for some of is, This GV is once in for life time memory. It may not happen in future. Even if it happens then it may not happen like this. Some where hopeful to see each other again somewhere not. With that heavy heart we all departed. 

But but my story did not end here... 

We continued with our fun, since we wanted have some more fun. So we friends got together at that night in our room had some great fun.

After spending some quality time we departed and promised ourself to hang out more times in coming future.

I stayed that day since I don't get satisfied easily so from Monday morning we started having some fun. Visited Iconic Viranaryana Temple with friend, did bullet ride of the city. I couldn't cover as much as I wanted to cover but kept it some for next time..

By that time friends were waiting for me to join them. So we had some fun times with cherishing GV. We were let loose to do whatever we wanted. Shared some personal stories(ring stories), sang and danced together. 

We went for lunch at Jaggu house. We had Holige and shikarni oota.. Food was amazing.. It was long pending..

It was 7pm eve by then. I had drive and this time I had to drive alone. Some time we don't value the company. Finally said bye to jaggu, sanju motagi, mayya and gokak. I was overwhelmed by everything. Never wanting leave them and forced bid adieu..

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